我的“发现”之旅My journey to the kingdom of discovery


<p>10月12日,我们学校组织了一次秋游,来到了发现王国!On October 12, our school organized an autumn tour to the kingdom of discovery!</p> <h3>大连发现王国主题公园是目前全国最大的国际化游乐主题公园,比香港迪士尼还要大三分之一。公园位于大连金石滩国家旅游度假区中的金石滩黄金海岸上,由曾参与迪士尼公园设计的美国公司规划设计、由世界十大主题公园之一的韩国三星爱宝乐园参与管理。园区内有二十多种大中型游乐项目,梦幻绚丽的主题、激情冒险的王国、风情浓重的园区,发现王国主题公园是热爱冒险、勇于追寻童话梦想者的完美世界!Dalian Discovery Kingdom theme park is the largest international amusement theme park in China, one third larger than Hong Kong Disneyland. The park is located on the gold coast of Jinshitan in Dalian Jinshitan national tourist resort. It is planned and designed by American companies that have participated in the design of Disneyland Park and managed by Samsung Aibao Park, one of the top ten theme parks in the world. There are more than 20 kinds of large and medium-sized amusement projects in the park, with dreamy and gorgeous theme, Kingdom of passion and adventure, and park with strong style. It is found that the Kingdom theme park is the perfect world for those who love adventure and dare to pursue fairy tale dream!</h3> <h3>发现王国主题公园共有六大主题:疯狂小镇、神秘沙漠、金属工厂、魔法森林、传奇城堡和婚礼殿堂。公园依托园区主题,分别设计了风格迥异的建筑和休闲场所,游客可在不同园区享用到不同国家的美食。且每个主题园区都由不同的故事贯穿其中,中世纪的欧洲古堡、亚马逊流域的魔法森林、阿拉伯的神秘沙漠,都能让游客身临其境,得到有如童话世界的美妙体验。Discovery Kingdom theme park has six themes: Crazy Town, mysterious desert, metal factory, magic forest, legend castle and wedding hall.Depending on the theme of the park, the park has designed buildings and leisure places with different styles. Tourists can enjoy delicious food from different countries in different parks. And each theme park is permeated by different stories. The medieval European castle, magic forest in the Amazon basin, and mysterious desert in Arabia can make tourists experience the fairytale world.</h3> <h3>疯狂小镇主要的游乐设施:翻江倒海:两个可爱的“风车巨人”摇动巨臂,带你跳起疯狂的凌波舞步,两次高空1080度连续旋转,让你真正的脱离地心引力的控制,体验翻江倒海般的惊险刺激感受。The main facilities of Crazy Town: turning over the river and the sea: two lovely "windmill giants" shake their giant arms, take you to jump up the crazy wave dance step, two times of 1080 degree continuous rotation in the air, let you really get out of the control of gravity, experience the thrilling and exciting feeling like turning over the river and the sea.</h3> <h3>“神秘沙漠”主题园区有着浓郁的伊斯兰教风情,“原始”、“野性”都会是看到它后脑海里跳出的词汇。黄沙黄土的建筑上点缀有色彩斑斓的门窗,仿佛置身于热带喧嚣的沙漠王国。"Mysterious desert" theme park has a strong Islamic style, "primitive" and "wild" are the words that pop out of my mind after seeing it. The buildings of yellow sand and loess are decorated with colorful doors and s, as if they are in the tropical and noisy desert kingdom.</h3> <h3>作为六大主题中最惊险刺激的主题,金属工厂可谓是王国内的金字招牌了。这里既有亚洲瞩目的过山车,又有挑战人类极限的太空梭和疯狂齿轮,来到金属工厂,听到最多的就是尖叫声!As the most thrilling theme among the six themes, metal factory is the gold brand of Wang. Here are not only the roller coaster that attracts the attention of Asia, but also the space shuttle and crazy gear that challenge the limits of human beings. When you come to the metal factory, you can hear the most screams!</h3> <h3>魔法森林主要的游乐设施:亚马逊探险,即峡谷漂流,是在两岸高山耸立、气势磅礴的亚马逊峡谷的激流中,游人乘气筏船随着蜿蜒的河床飞流直下,沿途有山洪暴发,惊险刺激;有碧波荡漾,心旷神怡。<span style="font-family: -webkit-standard; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;">Main amusement facilities of magic forest: Amazon exploration, namely canyon rafting, is in the torrent of Amazon canyon on both sides of the Strait, where tourists fly down with the meandering river bed by air raft boat, and there are flash floods, thrilling and exciting; there are blue waves, relaxed and happy.</span><br></h3> <h3>穿过热闹的美国大街,一座充满欧洲风情的中世纪城堡便呈现在我们眼前。水中的古堡静静的伫立,让人想起那神秘的欧洲之国。Through the busy American street, a medieval castle full of European style is presented to us. The ancient castle in the water stands quietly, reminiscent of the mysterious European country。</h3> <h3>发现王国的婚礼殿堂紧邻发现广场,是一座极具欧洲中世纪风格的特色建筑。殿堂顶部为弓形,有精美壁画装饰其中,更显高端大气。The wedding hall of Discovery Kingdom is close to discovery square, which is a unique building with European medieval style. The top of the hall is arched and decorated with exquisite murals, showing a high-end atmosphere.</h3> <p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;"></h3><p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; white-space: normal; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.301961); -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;">玩了一上午,我们的肚子也“”咕咕”叫了。发现王国骑士餐厅在公园的传奇城堡,在这里可以享用120余种中英日韩自助美食:那不勒斯牛肉酱比 萨、碳烤安格斯西冷牛扒、米兰肉酱芝士焗意面等,让你一次吃个够!After playing for a whole morning, our stomachs were also "Googling"!Discover the legend castle of the Kingdom Knight restaurant in the park, where you can enjoy more than 120 kinds of Chinese, English, Japanese and Korean self-service food: Naples beef sauce pizza, carbon baked Angus sirloin steak, Milan meat sauce and cheese baked pasta, etc., let you have enough at a time!</h3> <p>一转眼就到了2:40,我们集合的时间到了,同学们欢快地坐上大巴,聊着今天的所见所闻!In a flash, it was 2:40.It was time for us to gather. The students happily sat on the bus and talked about what they saw and heard today.</p>